The clean, safe, environmentally friendly and installer-friendly method for installing a new outside cleanout
The VAC-A-TEE® Cleanout System is a trenchless outside cleanout system that allows access to the lateral pipe for cleaning, inspecting and lateral lining. It consists of a patented VAC-A-TEE® saddle and riser pipe affixed with adhesive. It is a clean, safe, environmentally friendly and installer-friendly method for installing a new cleanout.
Structural saddle for all pipe types
No service interruption
ASTM F3097 Compliant
Pipe diameters of 6″ or less at lateral depths up to 15 feet
What makes vac-a-tee® different?
The VAC-A-TEE® incorporates a patented 180 degree plus technology which covers over 180 degrees of the host pipe and firmly holds the saddle in place with the supplied adhesive.