Structural polymer liners combine the unique benefit of reinforcement and chemical corrosion protection in a single application. Expoxies adhere very well to the prepared damp substrate and thereby benefit from the residual strength of the old wall. Urethanes, polyureas and hybrids are sensitive to moisture and do not benefit from adhesion to the prepared substrate; and, therefore they require design thickness suitable for independent (non-adhering) structural liners (commonly .375″ to .500″) in shallow manholes.
COR+ROC is a two-component epoxy-based polymer liner, which adheres well to clean, damp surfaces typical of well-prepared manholes. It is applied through our bi-directional spincaster for uniform, thorough coverage for reinforcement and chemical corrosion protection in one application or troweled to any design thickness up to 1″ thick. With set times of 30-45 minutes, applicators and inspectors have ample time to easily verify the proper thickness with a wet gauge. Ultimate strength values are comparable.

- Structural shell reinforcement
- Surface can be damp/wet
- Thickness is easily verified with a wet gauge
- Bonds well to substrate
- Corrosion proof
Corrosion protection and structural repair in sewer systems:
- High build polymer repair mortar, applied 1/8″ to 3/8″ thick
- Spot mortar repair
- Bridge for binding new to old concrete
- Crack Repair
- Bench repair